WHO WE ARE | The Story of Grain Free JK Gourmet Gluten Free Foods


JK Gourmet was founded by Jodi Bager, a grain-free baking consultant and co-author of the bestselling Grain-Free Gourmet cookbook series. The company began with BuyAlmondFlour.com, which became widely known for supplying the best almond flour in North America. As Jodi's quest for a grain-free lifestyle deepened, she began creating foods that utilized nuts, seeds, honey, most animal protein, fruit, and some vegetables. From these efforts, both Grain-Free JK Gourmet and the Grain-Free Gourmet books were born.

To learn more about JK Gourmet please visit our “About Us” page.

To read more about Jodi and her incredible story, please visit the “About Jodi” page.